If you are trying to agree parental responsibilities as part of your divorce or separation, it is recommended that children of a certain age have their hopes and wishes taken into consideration. If this is done through family mediation, it is called Child Inclusive Mediation.
Kadan is also qualified as a child and young people mediator to speak to the children and young people to ascertain their wishes and feelings. Where the children give permission, these wishes and feelings are then shared by the mediator with the parents in a separate feedback meeting. The parents can then use this information to agree the child arrangements moving forwards.
Child inclusive mediation is not a process to be concerned about. It’s a positive process, soundly structured to provide benefits to all those involved. Why wouldn’t you want to give your children a voice? To hear what your children think and feel?
A child inclusive mediator has a responsibility to safeguarding and their overriding priority is to protect the children involved in child inclusive mediation.
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